Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Post A Note Tuesday...

Okay so I ran out of original ideas......

Here are a few notes from how I feel today.  No vent....just comments!

Make your own at wigflip.com

Friday, August 6, 2010

Throughly Thursday

It has been Thursday all day.  Not Freedom Friday, not hump day Wednesday, but Thursday.  You know the day that drags the week out one day longer and pulls the Friday closer.  I took little darling #2 to the movies.  We saw Toy Story 3 in 3D.  I thought this would be a good idea.  Thought was the key word. 

My first shock was the matinee price.  When did you have to take a loan out for an adult ticket and one child.  Child under 3 mind you.  Second shocker...second mortgage for popcorn and a drink.  Okay, so I don't get out much!

We got our food and 3D glasses, made our way to our seats and got comfy.  Little darling #2 does not weigh enough to keep the theater seats down.  So she was leaning on the armrest for balance and support.  The 3D glasses would not stay on her face, so she got to watch the movie in the non-3D blurry state.  Ten minutes into the movie, a little voice calls "Mommy, I hate Toy Story."  Great 90 minutes to go!

Best part, we have to leave 5 minutes before the movie is over because one of us has to go to the bathroom.  I'll let you figure out which of us couldn't wait.  Let's just say we will be waiting a while longer before we revisit the movie theater again.

Sunday, August 1, 2010


It is August 1st and time for a reality check.  My last post was some time in June.  That means a month has absolutely flown by with virtually no documentation for you.  I promise more interesting storys to come.  Including the conversations from the weekends that may or may not be able to repeated.  I may have to remove the mouth filter just for you.  Since it is closed to my "witching" hour, I'm off.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

What Were They Thinking..

Today's nugget comes from Little Darling #2's daycare.  I do have to say I adore her daycare and the thought of having a Trike-A-Thon is a good idea.  However, I am sure glad I did not have to supervise 17 2 and 3 year olds on trikes.  I actually had video to share, but it was too big:)

As an additional gem, one of the boys spent the entire time whining as his parent (winner of the Duh! award) did not sign the permission slip or bring his bike.  Poor kid.  Absolutely broke my heart.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Conversations From The Weekend....

I've been racking my brain for the last few hours to recall a conversation from the weekend worth repeating....I got nothing!  What does that say for my weekend?!

Sunday, June 27, 2010


You would think after two weeks of quiet on this end I would have much to say.  Nope!  I'm currently operating in survival mode.  Let's see if I can make it back this week.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Conversations From The Weekend....

Darling #2 - "I turn momma into a witch"

Momma - "You're a little too late!"